La Danza (The Dance)
This is a life-size female figure in bronze, shown with her hands clasped behind her back. Framed by curly hair, her face, which conveys a serene expression, is turned to the right. She stands with a deliberate contrapposto, her right leg set forward and her left stretched out behind.
According to Professor Sánchez-Mesa, the artist Carmen Jiménez has a profound interest in the nude feminine form and the fluidity of its shape in motion, as an expression of internal impulses that find expression in the rhythmical softness of her figures.
- Title: La Danza (The Dance)
- Category: Esculturas de bulto redondo
- University: University of Granada
- Authors: Jiménez, Carmen
- Chronology: 1975
- Technique: Bronze
- Dimensions: 1,68 x 0,47 x 0,65 m.
- Stock number: 987
- Location: Hospital Real
- Ownership: University of Granada
AA.VV. Carmen Jiménez: esculturas. [Catálogo de la exposición]. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 1983.
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