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Heritage of the Andalusian Universities


With over two centuries of history behind it, the University of Córdoba (UCO), which was chartered in its present form in 1972, has its origins in the late-19th Century Free University (Universidad Libre). The institution offers disciplines such as Veterinary Medicine, which date back over 100 years and are unique to Andalusia. Yet it is also a young, dynamic university, with around 21,000 students, 1,200 lecturers and 700 support staff. Thanks to this dynamism, it has successfully adapted to meet the needs of the 21st Century and today is known for its academic excellence and proven scientific capability.

The areas of study covered by the UCO range from the Humanities and Legal and Social Sciences to Health Sciences and Science and Technology-related programmes. These three areas are reflected in the university’s three main sites: the Humanities and Legal and Social Science campus, located in the city centre; the Health Sciences campus in the western part of the city; and the Agricultural and Food Sciences, Science and Technology Campus of Rabanales, to the east of the city. The UCO’s School of Engineering Science is located 60 km outside the city, in the town of Belmez.

Rabanales epitomises the modernisation process that UCO has undergone. The campus is home to the most advanced teaching and research facilities, and its infrastructure provides a range of complementary services, making it one of the most outstanding academic institutions in Andalusia. The Rabanales Campus is responsible for much of the scientific output of the UCO, which is at the forefront of research in Andalusia and is ranked among the leading research institutions in Spain. 

Research and teaching are the cornerstones of the UCO, both driven by the quest for excellence. The institution also takes a highly active role in the development of the European Higher Education Area. Teaching, Research, Quality and Europe: these are the core principles that steer all of the university’s activities today.

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Places of Interest


University of Córdoba

Hospital de Agudos

University of Córdoba

Claustro del Ex-convento del Carmen Calzado

University of Córdoba

Universidad Laboral

University of Córdoba

Edificio Pedro López de Alba

University of Córdoba

Edificio Paraninfo

University of Córdoba

Museo Anatómico Veterinario

University of Córdoba

Capilla de San Bartolomé

University of Córdoba

Escuela Universitaria Politécnica

University of Córdoba